Biden And Friends Escalate Global Conflict

If you thought the world was going off the rails, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Why it was just two short weeks ago when I penned, “We’re Marching Toward The End Times.” My long time readers know that sentiment has always swirled in my mind. I just don’t regurgitate it for the sake of doing so.

That gets boring, and we don’t like boring and stale.

The latest twist in the collapse of the world order is the continued escalation of the war in Ukraine.

As usual, we can thank Señor Biden and the rest of the Federal Government for their blind support of the Ukrainian high heel dancer.

Biden just escalated the war greatly by showing up in Ukraine for a surprise visit. It was such a surprise, that Russia was notified beforehand. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop the Ukrainian air raid sirens from going off while Biden and Zelensky rubbed shoulders.

Of course it was propaganda, to make the situation look dangerous, when it was nothing of the sort. So it’s all theater, all for show.

Come on, you remember Whose Pulling The Strings?


Biden’s escalation didn’t just end with him showing up but saying,

“Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never.”

Department of Defense

This ties into the Biden Administration’s long held view that America will stand with Ukraine “for as long as it takes.” Yet, Biden did one better in his speech adding,

“One year later, Kyiv stands. And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.”


So in Biden’s mind, victory in Ukraine is akin to a victory for “democracy.”

We always hear that, we are fighting for democracy around the globe they say.


NATOs Committed

Then, just days prior, we have this gem from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg,

NATO’s position has not changed. We have reiterated many times that Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance, but the focus now is to ensure that Ukraine wins the war because the only way to integrate and to ensure that that Ukraine can move towards the Euro Atlantic cooperation, closer Euro Atlantic cooperation is to ensure that Ukraine prevails as a sovereign independent nation.


So there you have it.

Our Federal Government, along with our satellite NATO have firmly and positively committed to defeating Russia. Exactly what Putin shared in the past. So it’s going to be literally, a fight to the death, and it’s getting bloodier by the day.

In fact, so bloody, NATO is running out of ammunition to send to Ukraine.

Stoltenberg recently admitted,

NATO Allies are providing unprecedented support to help Ukraine push back against Russia’s aggression. At the same time, this is consuming an enormous quantity of Allied ammunition, and depleting our stockpiles.


There are also reports that Russia is beginning to run low on battlefield ammunition. This could be true, as the latest rumor to swirl is that China may be ready to start providing lethal weaponry to assist Russia.

You do realize, if that happens, it’s officially a cold world war?

Just without the nukes, though Putin just pulled out of the START treaty, and said Russia’s nuclear weapons are on “combat duty.”

Yellen is Yelling

Try not to laugh, but even Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen got into the action telling China,

We have made clear that providing material support to Russia or assistance with any kind of systemic sanctions evasion would be a very serious concern for us. We will certainly continue to make clear to the Chinese government and the companies and banks in their jurisdiction about what the rules are regarding our sanctions and the serious consequences they would face for violating them.”



Sure Yellen, sanctioning China will work out great since most products we buy are from there.

So you have one side who believes we should help Ukraine, and the other side disagrees. One side feels it’s okay to arm Ukraine, but it’s not okay to arm the other side.

It’s laughable, I mean, who is right?

It doesn’t matter if you are the West.


As Yellen reiterated,

“We will stand with Ukraine in its fight — for as long as it takes.”

Oddly enough, the U.S. funds and provides arms to Ukraine to protect their border ($113 billion dollars), but our government will not protect our own border.

Doesn’t that tell us, our Federal Government has lost focus?

I think so.

This war has nothing to do with America and everything to do with global expansion and domination. While we are constantly told Russia wants to conquer Europe, we should remember it’s the United States that has expanded across the globe.

Surely you didn’t forget these factoids…

The United States has 750 military bases in 80 countries.

United States Global Military Bases: Today’s Military

What about dreaded Russia and China?

Russia has 24 to 36 bases, and China has just 5.

Russian Global Military Bases: Rondeli Foundation

Umm, who is the expansionist again?

  • Who’s the one hell bent on global domination?
  • Who caused all the wars over the last 20, 30, 40 years?
  • Who created the Chinese dragon to begin with?

If you answered the United States, here’s a cookie!

The United States and the West continue to dominate the globe, sticking their noses into everyone’s affairs to ensure they have access to more and more resources. Not to mention, the U.S. created China, China, China when they outsourced our jobs for cheap labor.

Our bureaucrats don’t give a damn about you and your family.

Isn’t that obvious?

Now, let me ask you another question…

Who owns the media that keeps telling you Russia is the bad guy?

To a large degree, the same people who own the corporations.

It’s in their best interest to convince you this war is a good thing. If the United States wins, Ukraine becomes another satellite state, and the big boys will make big billions in business ventures.

It’s always about the money.

Speaking of getting you to agree to more war and bloodshed, these details come from Unherd.

  • In America, a new AP poll has found that less than half of Americans (48%) are in favour of providing weapons to Ukraine, down from 60% in May 2022.
  • Separately, a Pew poll from this year revealed that the share of Americans who say the US is providing too much support to Ukraine has grown from 7% in March 2022 to 26% in January 2023.
  • What’s more, the share of Americans who said that the US is not providing enough support has dropped from 42% to 20% in the same period.

That’s not good for the globalist machine. So if this war is to continue with support of the American people, expect lots of propaganda to surface in order to sway the people back into compliance.

The Source Of The Disaster

So, what triggered this global disaster anyway?

NATO expanding East when they promised Russia long ago they would never do that. That is the heart of the matter here. I was shocked to discover even NPR is talking about this now.

Then there’s this…

The first concrete assurances by Western leaders on NATO began on January 31, 1990, when West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher opened the bidding with a major public speech at Tutzing, in Bavaria, on German unification. The U.S. Embassy in Bonn (see Document 1) informed Washington that Genscher made clear “that the changes in Eastern Europe and the German unification process must not lead to an ‘impairment of Soviet security interests.’ Therefore, NATO should rule out an ‘expansion of its territory towards the east, i.e. moving it closer to the Soviet borders.’” The Bonn cable also noted Genscher’s proposal to leave the East German territory out of NATO military structures even in a unified Germany in NATO.

National Security Archive

So don’t let anyone tell you that NATO is innocent in this drama.

The West’s desire for a new world order is the heart of the matter. Biden wants to rule this world order. A world order that places homosexuals and perversion above humanity norms. It’s a disastrous and Satanic order and agenda.

More Escalations

Oh, but this whole situation just continues to escalate…

I found this article, Russia warns US, NATO, and Ukraine over Transnistria which says in part.

Any action by Ukraine or the West that poses a threat to Russian peacekeepers or nationals in the Moldovan breakaway region of Transnistria will be seen as an attack on Russia, the country’s Foreign Ministry has stated. It warned Kiev and its Western backers against carrying out “provocations” there.

Yep, we have another potential conflict hot spot.

At this point in world history, it seems certain. The West will not be content until they rule the entire world. Yes, a world order without God, one where Satanic ideals are common place.

Meanwhile, Russia will not rest until their enemies subside, and let them live according to their culture and history.

I’ll tell you one thing, somethings got to give, and we are not going to like the outcome.

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