Transgender Insanity Is Becoming The New Norm

Let’s face it, transgenderism is just another form of homosexuality.

Eh, don’t get technical with me buster, it’s perversion, and God is against all forms of perversion.

  • God is against homosexuality.
  • God is against cross-dressing.

There you have it, right from the Good Book.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

This topic deserves a little trip down memory lane.

First, homosexuality was presented to us.

Many years ago, it popped up on television in the form of a gay character or joke. Being gay was always mocked. It became a big joke, “haha”. Yet, that didn’t stop its progression. The more we laughed, the more it became a part of our culture overtaking television shows and magazines.

At some point, it became shameful to mock homosexuals. I mean, “They are people too,” they said. Not long after that, we were told they just wanted to be equal. They were always equal, they are people, it was just a psychological maneuver to paint them as victims.

I mean, we did laugh at them for many years.

Poor homosexuals.

  • Now, how close did you pay attention to all of that?
  • Did you notice our folly?

Decades ago, we unknowingly helped start the demise of Christianity. Instead of laughing at the gay on television, we should have asked,

  • Why is there a homosexual on television to begin with?
  • Why is my family being presented with things that are against God?
  • Ah, but who had time for that right?

Laughing at homosexuals is funny, it’s amusing, but boy were we the damn fools.

All those early days did was normalize homosexuality. It made it become a talking point. Something that was once banished to the closet, burst into the open, and we helped it along.

Today, homosexuality is accepted everywhere, just like your credit card.

Transgenderism Is The New Normal

Not long after homosexuality became embraced by the United States, we were presented with transgenderism. That was the new perversion to accept. It too has been portrayed on television and within our culture in mocking ways.

Some dope dressed up as a female, “hahaha” isn’t it funny?

“Look at that idiot!,” we said.

Once again, we are the idiots, the suckers who were played like a fiddle.

All that did was, yup, you got it, open the door to transgenderism being accepted in society.

Today, that too has become our new reality. The acceptance of transgenderism has expanded so far and wide, we have become dumbed down. Afraid to speak the truth concerning our very own species.

Just weeks ago, many were shocked during the confirmation hearing of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. She was asked a simple question…

“Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”

Jackson’s response was,

“No, no I can’t. Not in this context, I’m not a biologist.”

As you all know, Jackson was confirmed, and she is now the latest Supreme Court Justice.

Of course she knows what a woman is. She was simply playing political games. These games have been designed to destroy Christians and their belief in God. God said homosexuality and cross-dressing is a sin, but society says it’s something beautiful that should be embraced.

Yup, I am sure they said the same thing in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, right before they were turned into ash, (Genesis 19:24-25).

Our problem my friends?

We have become too, dare I say, “tolerant” of sin.

God’s People Always Tolerate Sin

That’s always been the problem for God’s People.

They always become tolerant and accepting of sinful lifestyles. Long ago, God told the Israelites, do not make peace with the inhabitants of the land they were to inherit. In fact, God told the Israelites to destroy all the people in the land, (Exodus 23:32-33, Deuteronomy 20:16).


They were a sinful people, and God knew those sinful practices and their false gods would destroy the Israelite’s faith in Him, (Deuteronomy 7:3-5, 9:4).

God was right, and it did.

Ah, but there you go laughing again, “hahahaha”.

“Those were just fake gods Brandon, this is different.”

Sin is sin, but few seem to recognize that these days. I suppose you can debate it with God when you meet Him.

Transgender Conditioning

All of this came to my mind after reading an article from GLAAD. Yeah, the “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation” group. They are going to air a transgender commercial to tug on your sweet little Christian heart.

It’s going to be aired on Comcast NBCUniversal, Paramount, WarnerMedia, and The Walt Disney Company nationwide.

Queue the video.

How about that?

A national campaign to shame you into accepting transgenderism.

Hey, they are just a normal family.

Did you hear what the lady said?

“Trans kids don’t have a political agenda, they are just kids. They just want to be left alone.”

A political agenda!

Look who is making the television commercial lady. She is in fact, driving a political point of view. The same political position the new Supreme Court Justice drove. Which is lunacy!

This mother said, “They just want to be left alone”.

So do we!

There was never a problem until people like her failed at parenting. This family failed their child allowing indoctrination into their life which they now want to spread to you. The fact is, the child in question was born female, but this female wants to be a male.

Sorry, it will never ever happen, no matter how much you may want it.

Families like this are a cancer to society. She wants to be “left alone,” while she spews her political and warped sense of reality on you.

We were all doing fine until people like her flipped reality upside down. Now because we want to enforce natural law against lunatics, we are the problem. Sorry lady, you are the problem. If you want a trans kid, then more power to you, but don’t ask us to bend our knees and break our back for your ideology.

It’s not reality.

I think transgender Admiral Rachel Levine said it best,

“Be true to yourself, be true to who you are.”

I couldn’t agree more.

The thing you have to remember, transgenders believe in self-mutilation. They are permanently altering their body in attempts to change their sex. Boys are cutting off their genitals, girls are cutting off their breasts.

Do you get it?

They are taking pills to change their natural body function.

This is all unnatural.


The fact of the matter is, that video and all the discussion about LGBT is a grand brainwashing agenda. The more news stories we hear about it, the more conditioned we are by it. That’s sort of the idea behind the never ending LGBT news cycle.

So it becomes normal to you.

While you may never believe in this ideology, you will accept it. You will eventually let your guard down, give up the fight, and let it win. It happened before and it’s happening again. In fact, the churches are already talking about this with the children in Sunday school.

Ahh, don’t blast the churches, what are you doing to stop it and make a difference?

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