The Unvaccinated Were Right

During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was uncertain about the future.

However, some of us could see the government was overreaching, and removing freedoms in the name of safety. This started with the lockdowns. If we just gave them “15 days to slow the spread,” everything would be okay. I immediately could see the Biblical parallels.

As we all know, that was only the beginning.

Lockdowns engulfed free America. The brainwashing from the media and social media was nearly impossible to avoid. Yet, some of us endured this time of trouble. Some of us were able to escape the temptation. The temptation to join everyone else in mass delusion and paranoia.

When they told us COVID would kill you stone dead, we found the virus had a 99.9% survival rate. Essentially, we knew that from the very beginning with the Diamond Princess cruise ship. We continually updated you, our faithful audience on these developments. Even pointing our that this all occurred in 1976 with the swine flu vaccine.

Then, vaccines were forced on the population in many cases, or many were pressured and shamed into accepting them. Vaccines that had been put together in record timing, thanks to the Trump administration.

As we recall this nightmare, we now see that millions of people have suffered side effects from these rushed vaccines. There is nothing anyone of us can do about that now, the damage is already done.

Yet, for those who endured. For those who resisted the temptation to join everyone else.


Just yesterday, we were vindicated once again. A member of the European Union Parliament questioned a Pfizer executive. Rep Rob Roos asked,

‘At the time of introduction, had the vaccine ever been tested at stopping the transmission of the virus?’

Pfizer’s answer, “No. hahaha”

Watch the video.

  • This once again proves, those who refused the vaccine did the correct thing.
  • This once again proves why we never trust government to make our decisions for us.
  • This once again proves why government and corporations should be held accountable for their disastrous direction throughout the pandemic.

In fact, it’s why the global financial system is already crumbling. Thanks to record amounts of money printing. Our world has once again been turned upside down by our leaders.

What else is new?

I never want you to forget what our leaders told us…

I never want you to forget what they did to us…

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

President Biden

Biden also said…

“The best defense against these variants is to get vaccinated. My fellow Americans, it’s the most patriotic thing you can do.”

President Biden

Yet, the vaccines never offered sterilizing immunity. They were never even tested for it as Rob Roos just shared with us, right from Pfizer’s own mouth.

This is criminal!

Yet, during the pandemic, government leaders forced vaccination passports on global populations. Some leaders even admitted their purpose was to create two different classes of people, vaccinated and unvaccinated.

I still recall New Zealand having quarantine camps (also). I remember medical journals recommended people should lose their jobs if they are not vaccinated.

I can still hear Dr. Fauci saying, the virus will become “dead ends” if you’re vaccinated.

I can still hear former PM Tony Blair echoing the same words every other global leader echoed.

I understand peoples objections, but the evidence is crystal clear, no serious persons disputes it. Getting the vaccine is almost part of your civic duty.

Former PM Tony Blair

Remember when they all said?

Of course, after more and more evidence came out that COVID-19 was not as deadly as advertised. The tune slowly began to change.

Dr. Walensky of the CDC would backtrack saying, “science is gray.” She added, “I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism” about the vaccines.

Dr. Birx would admit as much saying, they overplayed the vaccines. In fact, she was a ring leader from the very beginning, pressing and promoting panic.

Today, I’m not only updating you with the fantastic video clip provided by Rob Roos from the European Union, but to remind you of the past. I want you to remember, what everyone said was correct was a lie, it was wrong. It was “disinformation” and “misinformation.”

I want you to remember, truth was continually silenced, in the name of a lie.

That’s our world, that’s what mankind does every single day.

  • How well did you do?
  • Did you allow the world to spook you and your family?
  • Did you cave into fear?

Always let God reign in your heart, never allow fear into it.

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