NEW: Community disscusion below!

Why Do The Jews Always Have Neighbor Problems?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I mean, it seems like the Jews always have some issue with their neighbors. It doesn’t matter where they live, it doesn’t matter at what point in history

Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.


People Are Losing Faith In Everything

You can just feel it, can’t you? I don’t mean to sound like a Debbie Doomer, but it’s getting pretty ugly out there. Inflation is still a mess, the gap between the rich and poor

In your inbox
Study and news with a fresh Christian perspective.

12 Tribes Of Israel Chart

The 12 Tribes of Israel descend from Abraham through his sons. I’ll provide some explanation, and end with a nice flow chart to put it all together.

Middle East War Front Escalates, What Next?

The Middle East is beginning to boil over. The kids and I were playing finance last night when we noticed S&P 500 futures start to tank. We knew right away, Israel attacked Iran. Sure enough,

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