Blog Archive


Everything’s Expensive! What Do You Think?

It’s Friday and inflation is still running hot, hot, hot! Joy, huh? I tell you what, inflation is crushing the middle class. It’s gotten so bad, people can’t afford real houses anymore. It makes me


Did Russia Just Threaten To Nuke The West?

Did you hear about it? It’s all over the news… Russia threatened to nuke the West. Here’s one headline: Now, we’ve been hearing about these reports for two years. However, they always fall flat. They’re

Evil Spirits

How Many Fallen Angels Are There?

The Bible does not specifically say how many fallen angels there are. However, we can obtain an educated guess, and I’ll explain how many will appear during the Tribulation.


My Kitty Passed Away

Every once in a while, a special critter comes along and steals your heart. Panther was that critter. I want to share her story, and our experience with you.


What Does IXOYE Mean?

IXOYE is an acronym that means, “Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior.” I’ll cover the details, and the history of the Christian fish symbol.

God's Laws

Brandon, Your Pork Study Makes You A Bigot!

Some believe God cleansed pork in the New Testament. It’s not true, and I’m going to show you why through simple Scriptural analysis. You’re going to love this one.

United States

We Kill Each Other For Dirt

As I cruised the news this morning, I thought once again how insane our world is. Since the dawn of time, man has killed man for dirt. It’s remarkable really. If you get dirt on


Now The Government Cares About Our Southern Border?

If you’re like me — suddenly — you’re noticing more chatter about our southern border crisis. Suddenly, illegal immigration is a heavily discussed topic on Capitol Hill. Suddenly… Why now? Is the border crisis that


Media Apocalypse: News Biz Craters, Want To Guess Why?

Extra, extra, read all about it! The news business is headed for an “extinction-level event…” That’s right my friends, the news business, as in the mainstream media is tanking. In fact, it’s all over the