Australia Unveils Digital ID Passenger Card: Will Record Future Vaccine Certificate

Australia is making changes to its visa processing system. Starting next year, instead of using the current paper card processing system, Australia will switch to an all digital identification system. The new system will conveniently record your vaccination record, including any future COVID-19 vaccination.

It was all explained by Alan Tudge, Australia’s Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs.

Currently, the government collects a range of passenger information, including contact details, customs, and biosecurity information from citizens and non-citizens entering Australia using a manual, paper-based process.


Tudge explains, that is no longer good enough.

Australia’s New Digital ID Passenger Card

This new capability will strip away the need to scan paper cards. It will facilitate data sharing between state and territory health departments and enable swift verification of information provided by passengers. 

While Tudge seems to indicate this is a local affair, I am quite sure this will be used at a global level. We must remember, this all started when Bill Gates told us ‘Digital Certificates Are Coming To Prove Your Vaccination Record’.

Not long after that, we heard about ID2020, Immunity Passports, and in recent weeks, United Airlines started testing out COVID Passports. Even the Philipines has launched a form of digital identification.

So we see this is a growing trend, occurring all at the same time. That is not a coincidence, that indicates a coordinated event.

Tudge continues,

In the future, collection and verification of information will assist in managing risk at the international border when international travel returns.

On the surface, they explain this is all for our safety, but we can see this is about acquiring more information and control over people.

Digital ID Passenger Card Will Contain Vaccination Info

In the video below, Tudge makes the following statement.

In the future should there be a globally available vaccine, we will be able to attach a authenticate vaccination certificate through the incoming passenger card so that we will know if a person has indeed had that vaccination or not. And therefore, they would be able to enter into Australia without quarantine.

This is coming right from an Australian government official.

Not only are they launching a new digital identification system, but it will also be used to store the vaccination record of travelers which enables them to travel into the country.

That means, without a COVID-19 vaccine, in the future, travelers will not be permitted into Australia without going into quarantine.

I hope you are starting to realize, the COVID-19 pandemic is a planned and coordinated event that is being used to bring about the next phase of globalization.

We are watching nations all over the world (and companies) implement new restrictions on their citizens. This is not about COVID, this is about consolidating power and control over the people. This is about bringing about a new world order.

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