There’s Not Much Hope Left For America

Every headline I read these days makes me cringe or puke.

That’s probably not the imagery you want this early in the morning, but it certainly relays the message. Why it was less than 10 days ago, and the rats representing our government passed the $858B dollar National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

  • The bill includes military aid for foreign nations, $10 billion for Taiwan through 2027, and $800 million for Ukraine.
  • The bill also provides $6 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative, a program started in 2014 after Russia’s annexation of Crimea to increase the readiness of U.S. forces in Europe.


If we just minded our own damn business, we wouldn’t need to help foreign nations. We provide aid to Taiwan as our country taxed manufacturing out of our nation. So now, we protect Taiwan from China. If we built everything here at home, we wouldn’t be in this bind.

It would be a major point in our corner anyway.

Then we have Biden and the rest of our government’s love affair with Ukraine which must come to an end, but we’re not even close. In fact, the Senate just passed a $1.7T dollar spending bill to fund our government.

This comes on the heels of Ukraine’s Zelensky speaking before Congress. Gag me with a spoon already. As Zelensky spoke before Congress, he used his wittow finger to keep his place, Congress roared with applause.

Unfortunately, within the $1.7T dollar spending bill, we have another $45 billion dollars for Ukraine (18 traitorous Republicans passed the bill). Yes, on top of the $800 million from a week ago, and on top of the Patriot Missile System we’re going to send him.

Prior to this, we provided Ukraine with $65 billion dollars in aid.

So we’re well over $100 billion at this point.

So when will this madness end?

  • The U.S. will defend Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”
  • To “protect the rules-based international order.”

As it appears today, this war isn’t going to end until Ukraine or Russia are defeated. It’s pretty hard to imagine Russia beating Ukraine when the whole Western world is propping them up. Make no mistake about it, the West is at war with Russia.

Since that is true from what we are witnessing, how will peace be possible, and on what conditions?

I mean, Europe is sending so many arms to Ukraine, they are running out of ammo. In fact, “NATO,” aka the United States just increased NATO spending by 26% to nearly $2B.

Our elected officials have essentially declared war on Russia. They have accomplished this via massive spending bills that arm Ukraine, not to mention a plethora of sanctions we have placed on Russia.

  • Did you get a say in the matter?
  • Do you even care about Ukraine?

Probably not.

Most Americans are typically busy with their own families and figuring out how to keep food on the table amid record inflation…

Caused by…

Record spending during COVID.

Here we are spending another $1.7T, again. We never seem to learn our lesson.

The fact of the matter is, our bureaucrats don’t give two rips about you or your family. For all they care, you can turn up your toes and die. Then, the world would be a greener place. Our politicians only care about you when it’s election time. After you re-elect them, that’s when they sell you down the river for the pork in those spending bills.

For all of those reasons, that’s why we continue to hear about Russia and other Eastern nations rubbing elbows. In fact, Russia and China are holding navel drills. Then we have media outlets scaring you about a “Russia-Iran Axis” of evvvviilllll.

Good grief!

Where have I heard that before?

Ohh yeah, it was former President George Bush. The guy who got us involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. The war that killed thousands of our military men and women, not to mention the maimed, and the millions of middle easterners who were killed.

Meanwhile, things keep blowing up in Russia.

So the future does not look very bright from here.

Each and every day, Ukrainians and Russians are dying in war, and our tax dollars are making it all possible. Our nation is always behind war, blood, and death. Always. If the U.S. and Europe were not supporting Ukraine, they would have collapsed months ago.

Yet, we keep the blood flowing, which keeps the cash flowing for big corporations, and keeps the military-industrial complex alive.

We live in a world controlled by a few men, for the benefit of those few and their pals. Our nation simply seeks to maintain their power and control over the world, and that’s why we’re supporting Ukraine. We want Ukraine to join NATO, so the U.S. can continue to stifle Russia, and any challenge to our economic order.

There’s a major push to keep the present international order alive. The one established back in the 1940s. We talked about that in “The Planned Financial Collapse of the World.”

Just as this war continues to foment, and our spending continues to balloon… We see a global recession on the horizon, one that just may reshape the international order itself.

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