Topic: COVID-19


Texas COVID Numbers Fall After Reopening & More

If you listen to the constant noise from the mainstream media, you might have missed this one. Since Texas removed all illegal COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, the infection rates continue to fall. In fact, COVID-19 cases


What Will The World Look Like After COVID-19?

That headline came from our friends over at the World Economic Forum. Unless you have been living under a rock, they are the ones pushing The Great Reset. That is, with their pals at the


AstraZeneca Lied About COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness

COVID-19 vaccine maker Astrazeneca lied about the effectiveness of their vaccine. This was done in order to paint the vaccine in a better light before approval on the U.S. market. This comes as no surprise.

Chaos & Disorder

Germany: ‘We Are In A New Pandemic’ As Europe Revolts

UPDATE: Merkel back paddles on lock down due to protests! The propaganda never ends it seems. The “British” coronavirus variant is now the “dominate” strain in Germany “they“ say. Who is they? When I find