Topic: Immigration


Now The Government Cares About Our Southern Border?

If you’re like me — suddenly — you’re noticing more chatter about our southern border crisis. Suddenly, illegal immigration is a heavily discussed topic on Capitol Hill. Suddenly… Why now? Is the border crisis that


The Border Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

It sounds like hyperbole, doesn’t it? It’s not. How many of us have looked at the history of illegal immigration in our nation? Probably not many, so we’re going to do that today. I’m quite


700,000 More Come Knocking At The Door

We all heard about it, Biden is sending 1,500 U.S. troops to our southern border. He’s not doing this to bolster our border, but to “free up federal immigration officials.” That’s right! Biden sent our


Americans Are Being Replaced By Illegals

It’s hard to fathom, but Americans are being replaced by illegal immigrants. When you first read that, it sounds like hyperbole. Unfortunately, it’s anything but. Birth rates in the United States have been plummeting for


The Illegal Immigration Fiasco

Record numbers of illegal immigrants continue to fill our cities. It’s like a plague that never ceases. For all intents and purposes, President Biden invited them with his lax border policy. In fact, his administration


A New Horde Of Illegal Immigrants Are Coming

It actually never stops. Illegal after illegal continues to cross our southern border, no matter who is in office. Unfortunately, the guys who wear blue are much more lenient and allow many more through. It


The Government Has Betrayed The American People

We could apply that statement to so many things. Today, we are going to apply it to illegal immigration. While our Federal Government considers a war with Russia over Ukraine’s border, they refuse to close


Australian Rage, American Tyranny, And Information

As each day passes by, our world becomes a little crazier than the prior day. In just the last three days, the headlines, and information published through mainstream and social media channels is astounding. We


The Biden Catastrophes

It’s safe to say, we are witnessing some of the worst catastrophes in American history, all at the same time. From the horrendous pullout in Afghanistan, to COVID-19, to the border crisis, to the economy,


Biden Releases 50,000 Illegals Into U.S., Texas Stands Up

President Biden continues to allow multitudes of illegal aliens into our nation. The border crisis has been a crisis that has spanned decades. Yet, the crisis always becomes worse under a Democrat, especially one as