Topic: UN/NATO


Did You See What Russia Just Did?

Ohh… We have some news today. The latest and greatest concerns the media theatrics of Russia’s “imminent invasion” of Ukraine. That “imminent invasion” has been pending for weeks now. The same invasion Biden said was

Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030, Fossil Fuels, And Parroting Media

In case you have been living in a cave, United Nations Agenda 2030 is all about “sustainable development”. It embraces the religion known as “climate change”, and they use this narrative to convince us we

Agenda 2030

Humans Have Broken Our Planet, We Must Eat Weeds!

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a new and dire statement for the world. Guterres said, humanity has made “war” on the planet, and we must begin “making peace with nature” which includes

New World Order

The Plan For A New World Order Is Happening Now

With each passing day, we are continually given new reasons why we should reject our nations and embrace a global order. The COVID-19 pandemic has launched this idea forward, now more than ever before, (see:


650,000 Die From Seasonal Flu Globally

That is right, every year, up to 650,000 people die globally from the Seasonal Flu. These numbers come right from the World Health Organization (WHO).