Archive: Current Events

Agenda 2030

Go Green Agenda Goes Away

Well, at least in Europe. Why it was just a few short months ago. The Eurocrats were yucking it up as they stuck Russia with blistering economic sanctions. They bragged how Russia would be brought

Chaos & Disorder

World United Or World Divided?

For years, our world drifted in one direction, the left. In fact, 2020 kicked off a new era of global radicalization. It had been in the works for years, but it had now fully materialized.


America Is A Sinking Ship

Day by day, our nation sinks a little more. We’re taking on water, and our bilge pump is broken. Instead of everyone working together to bail out the ship. Our leaders fight over how we


No Hope, Only Doom

As I rolled and scrolled through my news feed this morning, that title popped into my mind. It seems fitting for the narrative government and media spin for us each day. I tell you what,

Earth Changes

Population Decline To Destroy Humanity

The prophets of doom are at it again. This time, it’s not climate change that’s going to wipe us off the map. Nor is it Iran, instead it’s… Population decline. Well, climate change is still


Are We Done With Zelensky Yet?

Another day, another headline about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had just about enough of that milktoast. Then again, I’ve had enough of politics all together. It’s ever so


Are You Skin And Bones Yet?

If you’re not skin and bones from starvation by now, count your blessings. Why it was just 10 weeks ago when the wizards in wonderland said, we would be starving by now. Remember that? It


The Libs Want You To Accept Pedophiles

Believe it or not, the liberals continue to justify pedophilia. We all said this was going to eventually happen, and each and everyday, we get a step closer. One more step closer… Radical liberal, licensed

Climate Change

Green Agenda Weaved Into $750B Inflation Reduction Act

Unfortunately, the Democrats just passed their $750 billion dollar “Inflation Reduction Act”. With a name like “Inflation Reduction,” you would think it would be focused on, and reduce inflation, right? Not so. The Wharton School


Pelosi’s Visit Stirs Up The Chinese Dragon

So she did it. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi went to Taiwan. Now, queue Chinese rage… There it is, in the form of missile tests and fighter jets filling the skies around Taiwan. The

Cyberwar & Tech

White Racism Is Built Into Popular Social Platform

These days, almost nothing surprises me. Yet, just the other day, I was surprised once again… I was perusing the web when I came across “OpenWeb”, again. You’re probably thinking, what’s that? Well, let me


Share With Us How You’re Beating Inflation!

Inflation… I shutter at the word! It just keeps going up, up, up! In June, inflation shot up to a new 40 year high of 9.1%! So what caused this nasty inflation? The last four