Archive: Current Events


Evil Propaganda Never Sleeps

There are two things that never sleep, evil and the propaganda it produces. The 24/7 news cycle and social media have been an absolute disaster. They are like chains that we carry around without even


A New Horde Of Illegal Immigrants Are Coming

It actually never stops. Illegal after illegal continues to cross our southern border, no matter who is in office. Unfortunately, the guys who wear blue are much more lenient and allow many more through. It


It’s Pride Month And The Headlines Are Disturbing

It’s “pride” month as they call it. The time of year when secular society, the mainstream media, and mega corps honor the sin of homosexuality. You are going to see that six-colored rainbow flag everywhere.


Canada Goes For The Guns, Biden Considers

The socialist government of Canada is now going for the guns. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced, “We’re introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership”. It’s not a freeze, it’s an outright ban.

Agenda 2030

WEF: Klaus Admits They Serve Their Own Self Interests

The World Economic Forum just concluded its annual meeting in the Swiss town of Davos. As they put it, “the world’s top leaders from politics, business, civil society, academia, media, and the arts” gathered to

Gun Control

They Want To Ban Assault Weapons, Again

Today, backbones are in rare supply it would seem. On the heels of the Uvalde school shooting, liberals and their sympathizers are once again calling for gun control. These shouts are being amplified by the


Why Do Mass Shootings Keep Happening?

Humanity is beginning to break. It seems with each new day, there is some new calamity that grips our nation and world. Just days ago, it was the latest mass shooting that took place in


The Next Generation, I Bet Mom’s Proud

When we think about times of crisis, we are always looking down the road. We think, the latest news event will lead to some future crisis. This means, we fail to acknowledge the troubles we


And Then There Was Monkeypox

Just when you thought the pandemic was over, here comes a new one… Monkeypox! News continues to break across the world over this latest crisis, and the cases continue to climb. The doctors are baffled,


Little Green Men Are Among Us

Just days ago, our prestigious Federal Government led by the ever-wise Joe Biden set out to do something that has not been done since the 1960s. Investigate aliens. No, not illegal aliens, they just let


The Concern Of Americans And What Really Matters

The power of persuasion convinces us to believe many things. This persuasion is introduced by family, friends, and the mainstream media, not to mention our education and religious institutions. In fact, we are always being


Uhh Ohh, The Economy Begins To Go Kersplat!

The signs of economic doom are everywhere. Why it was just a few short months ago when the economy seemed great! But then, a cold morning came along on January 4th, closing the DOW out