Archive: Current Events

Chaos & Disorder

Our Fearful World, How To Overcome It

The world is filled with fear and doom, isn’t it? It seems like we can’t get through a single day of fear before the next one rears its ugly head. What am I talking about?


Why Are Pastors Supporting The Wars?

Have you noticed that lately? Pastors of all shapes and sizes are supporting the raging wars in Ukraine and Israel. It’s not just pastors though, it’s Christian organizations and Christian media outlets. They have a


Israel Just Turned The Middle East Into A Powder Keg 

The recipe for another catastrophe isn’t simmering, it’s boiling. The war in Gaza has already spilled into the wider region. We’ve all seen the news headlines, in recent weeks, the Houthis in Yemen have hijacked


2024 Is Going To Be A Dumpster Fire

I know, I know… It’s not exactly the most positive headline for the first article of 2024, right? But seriously, come on… 2024 is going to be a [fill in the blank] show, (Scrabble time!).


Who Is Done With Politics?

It’s a mess, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it in my entire life. America and her entire political system are a complete disaster, and that’s putting it mildly. We’re in debt


What Happened To The Spirit Of Christmas?

Have you thought about that lately? These days, it’s almost non-existent. I mean here we are, it’s December 18th, one week from Christmas, and I don’t see a lot of Christmas anything. The towns aren’t


This Is How Jews Treat Christians

What if I told you, in Israel, the Jews spit, accost, and even attack Christians? Would you believe me? Probably not… It’s something you’ve never been told, and it flys in the face of what


Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic With Rituals

You won’t believe it. Then again, maybe you will. The Satanic Temple is now in the “healthcare” business. They recently opened an abortion clinic in New Mexico called, “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic.” No,


The Rapture Is Imminent Says Left Behind Author

Let me first say, I sincerely appreciate all Christians who do their part to share God’s Word. It’s fantastic! What I don’t appreciate are the constant calls of imminent doom. It’s not helpful, it’s fearful.


Baptize The Trannies Says The Vatican And The Biblical Past

The church isn’t crumbling, it’s crumbled. If churches aren’t busy closing up shop, the ones remaining are teaching perversion and filth. Not all and absolute of course, but my friends, organized Christianity is in dire


How Did Hamas Rise To Power In Gaza?

In order to understand the present, it’s wise to visit the past. Let’s take a short trip down memory lane… It was January 2006, and it would be the last election held in the Palestinian


Does Israel Have A Right To Defend Itself?

I sense some uncertainty among the Christian faithful. So let’s talk about it… Does Israel have a right to defend itself? Let me say it loud and clear. Yes, Israel has a right to defend