Topic: United States

United States

7 Facts That Show America’s Decline

We can see it. We can feel it. America is in deep decline. There are many events that point to this unfortunate fact for our once great nation. America’s decline does not revolve around one


This Is Why Education Has Taken A Left Turn

For years, even decades, the education system in America has been failing. Not just failing, but it’s become a major part of the political arena. Even if you don’t realize it. Daily, our children are


Are We On The Brink Of World War 3?

You cannot help but wonder if the world is tittering on the brink of world war 3. The war in Ukraine is not abating, but escalating with all sides continuing to raise the stakes. At

United States

Conservatism For The Win!

It’s no secret, our nation, and the world for that matter are circling the drain. You don’t want to know how I wanted to frame that sentence, but my wife just didn’t approve. Yet, every

United States

Lincoln Predicted America’s Demise

As we look at our once blessed nation, we can clearly see it rotting a little more with each passing day. Day by day our nation becomes morally obscure and politically isolated. Politicians are quick


The Border Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

It sounds like hyperbole, doesn’t it? It’s not. How many of us have looked at the history of illegal immigration in our nation? Probably not many, so we’re going to do that today. I’m quite


700,000 More Come Knocking At The Door

We all heard about it, Biden is sending 1,500 U.S. troops to our southern border. He’s not doing this to bolster our border, but to “free up federal immigration officials.” That’s right! Biden sent our


Our Children Are Being Destroyed

You wouldn’t know it by turning on the television, but modern society is systematically destroying our children. Not to mention our once flourishing society. We are continually replacing our valued traditions with something dark and


NATO Knocks On Russia’s Door

It didn’t make that much news, but NATO just came knocking on Russia’s door in a big way. What am I talking about? Finland has officially joined NATO. This is a biggen… How big? This


Society Is Unraveling

“America.” What is it anymore? Chaos, bickering, and political turmoil. America has become a big mess. A cesspool is probably more accurate. Yet, on a personal level, America can still be whatever you want it


Change Is Coming

Change is coming, you can feel it, and if you’re wise, you can see it. Most people don’t see the change that is being written on the wall. They’re too distracted with our own political